Tuesday, January 6, 2009

January '09 meeting

What a great and lively meeting last night! Thanks, Debbie. I couldn't keep up with all the conversations from my end of the table. But we actually discussed the book selection this time! Good for us! Welcome to our two new members, Allison and Kim. Kim is our youngest member and unfortunately, I'm the oldest. Do I get any senior perks for that? Debbie's selection for the February meeting is another book set during WWII, We Band of Angels, by Elizabeth Norman. We will meet at Bridget's house. Also, bring any books that you would like to share or swap to the February meeting. Kim told us that the library would be happy to accept any books that we would care to donate. I hope that Kim will keep us informed (via this blog) of special events coming up at Amy Sanders and the whole CAL system . And in that same spirit, thanks for bringing the children's books for the PT children's book drive. I believe Cindy's suggestion is that we bring one children's book each month.

1 comment:

ckbeck said...

I agree with Karen. It was great to see so many there last night!

Karen, we'll give you a senior discount!

The current book drive ends, I believe, in April, so my suggestion was to bring one to each meeting through April's. Then we can decide if to start collecting for the next year or move on to something else!