Wednesday, January 7, 2009

101 Books

I thought some of you might enjoy this link. This list was in an email I received directed toward high school sophomores (Hunter). It is a suggested reading list for college bound students. PLEASE NOTE that Shakespeare has more entries on the list than any other writer!

Happy reading,


ksnyder said...

Not 'Will" again! Boy am I behind! I haven't read very many of those on the list. But there are so many newer books I want to read! Looking at that list gives me the same overwhelming feeling I have when I go into a book store or library.How do I choose? How can they select 101 with so many wonderful books to chose from? It's subjective anyway. It's like the differences in the way our own book club evaluates the book we chose to read each month. Some like it, some do not; some see it's value, some do not; some are moved by the book, some are not. If I was isolated or bedridden I would try to read from that list. But now it is sometimes hard for me to manage the time to read our monthly pick. Such a wonderful problem: so many books to choose from and the ability to read them but not enough time. Did I just get on a soap box?

Debbie said...

I agree with most of what Karen said, esp. the part about not enough time.