Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sorry I Missed it!

Looks like I missed a very special Book Club meeting! Where is the next one? Are we going to see Le Mis. ? I had a great trip to Yellowstone. There weren't televisions in some of the lodges we stayed in so with that and waiting time at the airport and travel time in the plane, I read two and a half books. John ended up reading The Shack and I read Wednesday Wars and really did enjoy it. I felt like I was in Jr. High again as I read it. Such a bum deal to be a Protestant at that school. I also started Kite Runners, but I had to stop because it was so intense for me. It grabbed by interest from the start, but it was frightening and horrifying as well. I had trouble sleeping because of it and other fears going on with me right now. I'm so sheltered that I don't like to be informed that humans actually treat other humans in such terrible ways. Let us know what you are reading these days. Was a book chosen for this month?

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